Are there any real celebrities on MySpace?
To be quite frank there are celebrities on my space. That being said however they may not be the same celebrities you may find in the center of the tabloid magazines. No The celebrities I am talking about on my space are the indie, the up and coming musicians, comedians, actresses, actors. They may not be the best of the best yet but they are out there and they should be heard. My space is a great venue for these celebrities because it allows people from all walks of life to be able to find new things to listen to or who to watch for that matter. MySpace layouts
As for those "mainstream" celebrities the title insinuates I believe that there are some celebrities on my space but most likely you will find more fans like me creating my space pages for the celebrities. Of course my-self and others like me put in the about me section that we are Mealey fans and that we are not the actual celebrities them-selves.
I know for a fact that their are some celebrities that are on myspace that carry their own pages. some of them being:

Paris Hilton
Kate Moennig
Erin Daniels
Lindsay Lohan
Samantha Ronson
DJ Claudia
DJ Saratonin
Tegan & Sara
MySpace layouts
Some of these celebrities are quite awesome because they actually are the real celebrities and you know that they are the actual celebrities because since they actually have lives they sign on every month or every two months, Maybe once every 2 weeks if you are lucky,

I feel that it is good for celebrities to have myspace because it creates a non bias opinion as to their "real" lives. For instance Paris Hilton talks about going out and meeting people at events and if she breaks up with someone she talks about who called the relationship off rather then what the tabloids said.
Kate Moennig talks about how her newest film and how the sixth and final season of the l word is going. She is an amazing person that actually comments you back eventually if you give her time. Since she is a busy lady she does not get on very often but she responds eventually. It would seem as if every actress on that show has a character page and an actress page. That is except for the actresses that are also musicians. they also have music pages
Erin Daniels raises money for Breast Cancer on her myspace page since her character on the l word died of cancer in season 3, Since that episode there have been money pouring in for breast cancer awareness.
So in conclusion there are celebrities you just need to take a look and find them on myspace